Do you want to spend a VIP day with Lenita working ON your business?

The CEO Planning Day is designed to help you get clear and confident with your business model, solidify all of your coaching offers and packages, and bring that all into your yearly business planner.

Meet your trainer

Lenita Abouchabake

Courage, expansion, excitement, adventure and leadership. This is what VIP with Lenita is all about during your CEO Planning Day.
Being the one in control of your growth, regardless of how your prospects or clients are moving… Will help you show up so much more powerfully. It’s time to dial in on business, vision and legacy NOW.
When you do this… you become so magnetic.. You then become the DREAM COACH that parents and schools want to hire for their teens. You will naturally attract your dream clients too. Because you’re aligned, fulfilled and excited.
You’ll pour this energy into your clients and programs. Which up levels your skillsets and delivery. You hear me talk about how special our masterminds are. We are stepping into one of the most exciting seasons inside Teen Coach Academy… The VIP season!
And, our CEO Planning Day is one of many first experiences with me.  Answers to all your questions, refinement of strategy and upgrade of beliefs and identity.
You’re ready to go bigger. You’re ready to play on the level you know you’re meant to be on. You’re ready for expansion and support. You want to witness how a program that is in total alignment is led.
Thissss is where it’s at with me.
I am in the most fulfilled place in my life and career. Because I model alignment. My teen coaching programs are an extensive of who I am. My values, vibe, passion, skillsets and branding.
This CEO Planning Day is for you if you’re looking to feel more energised, creative and alive in your teen coaching business. And, harness VIP proximity to Lenita, pick her brain about all things life and business, and have fun at the same time.

Some Of The Things We Are Going To Cover

How To Build All Your Offers For Your Programs and Events

Establish Your Core Business Model For Longevity and Profitability

Solidify Your Pricing Models For Parents and Schools

Get Clear On Your Yearly Business Calendar

Achieve Sharper Vision, Energy and Creativity

Get Excited To Present Your Offers and Make More Money

And, Anything Else You’d Like to Prioritise With Lenita’s Support

CEO Planning Day FAQ's

It is only a one time payment of $3,000 usd. Payment plans are available upon request. Please note: If you do opt for a payment plan, it needs to be finalised before your CEO Planning Day with Lenita.

You and Lenita will co-ordinate a day and time upon enrolment.

You and Lenita will block out 4 hours to work together ON your business.

This will be Virtual via zoom. IN-PERSON experiences are available upon request as seperate packages.

You will be sent a recording to keep for yourself to revisit in your own time.

Yes, we encourage you to come ready with your Aligned Offer Checklist, Pathway 2.0 and Yearly Business Calendar. Lenita will also like to oversee this in the lead up to your Planning Day.

Reach out to our team at for further assistance.

For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.

It's Time To Work ON Your Business. Let's Make Moves!!

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