Practitioner Certification Document (PP - 8 x $250)


1. Welcome

Welcome. We are honoured that you're here and excited for the commitment you've made to yourself and this community. You will receive access to a robust ecosystem of resources, calls, trainings, technology, systems, support, and community that can help you on your journey to enhance your life. After you complete this Pledge and Agreement, you will continue automatically to the payment and access.

2. Pledge To The TCA Community

Teen Coach Academy will over-deliver far beyond what we committed to deliver. For that reason, we only allow the highest-motivated and most-committed individuals to participate in the Program Those who will not participate at the highest level will not be accepted into the program. Those who are accepted in must sign this Pledge and agree to the following. Failing to follow through on this Pledge may result in removal from the program. 

By signing below, you pledge to the following:

  • I pledge to serve others.
  • I pledge to be curious first.
  • I pledge to have an open mind.
  • I pledge to grow all areas of my life.
  • I pledge to honour and be honourable.
  • I pledge to be focused on each training.
  • I pledge to be part of changing humanity.
  • I pledge to share wins and how.
  • I pledge to strive relentlessly toward more freedom.
  • I pledge to put what I learn into massive action weekly.
  • I pledge to seek out a fuller, more abundant life of impact.
  • I pledge to myself to get started, stay started, and play full out.
  • I pledge to ascend from exploration to elevation to exponential growth.
  • I pledge to change my life so I can change my family's lives and generations to come.



3. Commitment

I accept the invitation to join Teen Coach Academy. I commit to working with total respect, integrity, honesty and confidentiality with other members of this special group of growth-minded, high-achievers. I agree to pay Teen Coach Academy the sum set and forth in this agreement, and commit to reamining fully engaged for the full duration of the program (and longer if we mutually choose). This agreement contains terms and conditions of the members in this Teen Coach Academy Program.

4. Program Inclusions

Your payment of the investment to Teen Coach Academy entitles you to receive:

  1. Practitioner Online Course + Vault.
  2. Exclusive Practitioner Group Alliance.
  3. Practitioner Certificate Upon Completion.

5. Investment ($USD)

Here is the breakdown of the investment:

Investment Amount Note
TCA Practitioner Investment $250/Week 8 Weekly Instalments To Settle Payment 
  1. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to reach out to Teen Coach Academy to take full advantage of the Program and all it has to offer and to seek help within the Program parameters when needed. Your failure to take full advantage of the Program and its many features (including instruction, group, peer-to-peer, etc) is not a valid reason to default on payment of any portion of the Program Fees.
  2. All monetary amounts referred to in this Agreement are in USD. Payment plans are handled by Stripe whereby direct debit via your credit card or bank account already on file will be automatically processed on your next instalment date. You are welcome to settle the balance in full at any time that is convenient for you. Please ensure you inform us at to do so. If not, your payment plan will continue per normal.
  3. The Program is non-cancelable for the Initial Term and the Program Fee is non-refundable. You agree to pay the amount outlined below to Teen Coach Academy. To further clarify, no refunds will be issued for payment.

6. Confidential Information

  1. You acknowledge that through your participation in the Program you will have access to certain confidential and proprietary information, materials, ideas, plans, trade secrets and the like. You agree to respect the privacy of fellow Program participants. But entering into this Agreement, you agree not to violate the public or privacy rights of any Program participant.
  2. Intellectual Property delivered by Teen Coach Academy, can only be used for personal purposes and must not be plagiarised or used outside the program. Use of IP outside the training program must have written consent from Teen Coach Academy and must be referenced and credited to Teen Coach Academy. If improper use has been discovered, then you may be asked to leave the Program and will also risk legal action.

7. Release And Granted Rights.

  1. Should you attend any live or virtual events conducted through Teen Coach Academy, you agree to allow Teen Coach Academy to use the recording (both audio, photographic and video) for post event production and marketing purposes.
  2. You agree to allow these recordings to be used in all forms of media and acknowledge that Teen Coach Academy has the right but not obligation to use, adapt, edit, mix, add to, subtract from, arrange, re-arrange, revise, or change the recordings or any part thereof, and combine the same with other performances and recordings of other performances of other persons.

8. Tracking Progress

Teen Coach Academy requires you to share your progress in terms of number of parent consults booked, clients signed and income earned, to effectively help you track your progress. These are metrics that are measured to ensure we provide you with exceptional trainings and accountability. If you are in other programs, we will also factor in that your results are in conjunction with them.

9. Disclaimer

  1. These services are provided by Teen Coach Academy. Training may address specific personal projects, business outcomes or general conditions in the client’s personal and/or professional life. Services may include, but not be limited to, values clarification, business brainstorming, identifying and creating plans, examining modes of operating and teaching tools to assist personal transformation.
  2. Teen Coach Academy does not provide legal and medical advice. It is strongly advised that independent due diligence is conducted as to such questions or concerns and consult your own lawyer, accountant, doctor or relevant advice.

10. Acknowledgement

You acknowledge that by signing this Agreement, you have agreed with these terms and conditions and forms a contract between you and Teen Coach Academy.

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Signed by Lenita Abouchabake
Signed On: December 5, 2023

Signature Certificate
Document name: Practitioner Certification Document (PP - 8 x $250)
lock iconUnique Document ID: 1ce978549444a1cf84799ce0f1c0bd3ac390227c
Timestamp Audit
August 1, 2023 11:22 am AESTPractitioner Certification Document (PP - 8 x $250) Uploaded by Lenita Abouchabake - IP
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